My Journey Begins: College Move in

Yesterday, I moved into college! I start school in two weeks at the University of Kentucky. My very first day on campus was crazy busy. It all started at 7:30 am when I woke up. My family and I drove up the night before and stayed in a hotel since I live three and a half hours away from campus. After waking up, I got dressed and ready to go. We went down and ate breakfast then got in the car to go to my dorm. At nine in the morning, I unloaded the two cars full of all my belongings I had packed the day before. We filled carts full and lined up for the elevators. About fifteen minutes later, I was in the room I would live in for the next nine months!

After rearranging my furniture like five times, I finally started to unpack the carts and organize my new room. We took a break to go shopping and get lunch. After about two hours we were back in my room hanging up photos. Time was flying by. I had to get ready for orientation before we were even done. I said a quick goodbye and was on my way.

After orientation, I went back to my room to find that my mom and sister had decorated more after I left. It was a great little surprise. They came back before they left. My dad had headed home three hours earlier, but the girls stayed to see how orientation went and pick up a few more things for me. Saying goodbye to them was super hard as I knew I wouldn't see them until the family weekend at the end of September. Around nine o'clock, they finally left and I was all alone in my room with a roommate I had only talked to through text before we moved in.
Everything about that first night was weird. I have always had multiple pets so sleeping in a bed without a single pet on it was super strange. Also, I have a twin bed at home, but in my dorm room, I have a full-sized bed!

Don't let me mislead you, I absolutely loved knowing that I was off on this great adventure called life! I may have started out a little scared and weary, but I know things are only going to get better from this day on. Heres to four years of an amazing life at my new home away from home!


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